There are houses that speak to us
that mark us to the point of having power over us. We feel good there, they have special vibes, a scent, a story, they spread happiness, they could be part of our life, our childhood or a rebirth.
In Santorini, in the village of Mesaria, located in the center of the island, there are Kefia Homes, these are the houses of happiness.
You can feel the soul of the place there. Or rather the souls, ours, and soon yours, all the imprints of past and present happiness, games, pleasures, laugh-ter. It's up to you to put your happy imprint which will contribute to the magic of these houses, the secret of this alchemy, of the complicit vibrations. It is the imprints of happy souls that make the beauty of memories, the sweetness of the seasons.
Welcome at Kefia Homes
In this place, the weather is always fine. Probably because we laugh there on rainy days, con-vinced that behind the walls the sun awaits us


Kefiahomes DIONYSOS


Découvrez nos 3 maisons et les villages de Mesaria et Pyrgos.

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